Monday, October 1, 2012

Lectures and Modules

I did it. I have completed my first week of lectures at Oxford Brookes University and the days that I spent worrying about how hard the classes would be turned out to be time wasted.  Now I know these classes are going to be no cake walk but after listening to the briefings by both of my professors I now know that, yes, these classes are going to require work, but not much more than any other college.
            When choosing my modules I was less concerned about what classes I would take and more about concerned about ensuring my four-day weekend.  Oh, and the fact that I would not have to get up before eleven. Sleep and I have a friendship that should never be tampered with.
            Although it is on the unusual side for a sophomore to attend a study abroad trip I think that I am doing it at the perfect time. Why, you might ask, am I endorsing such a big trip at such an early stage in ones college career. The answer is simple. General Education Courses. When you get into your junior and senior year most likely already completed all of your gen eds. and are probably starting to get into the higher level courses for your major, you know the ones that are more specified and almost impossible to substitute for something else? So what classes should you leave for study abroad? Your gen. eds.
            Which classes am I talking here you might ask? Well I am not following my own advice to the letter but I have come very close. The classes, or modules as they call them here, that I am talking are, The Film Industry which is taught on Tuesday from one to three which is counting for one of my electives to fulfill my communications minor, the class that I am writing these blog post for which is fulfilling my three thousand level course outside my major, Dr. Forsyth’s British Heritage and Culture module which is fulfilling my history general education requirement and I have on Wednesday, and last but not least, Theory 1: Modernism and Avant-gardes which is fulfilling one of my electives for my graphic design major and I have on Thursday from one to three. I also lucked out because none of my classes were off campus, so no forty-minute coach rides for me!
            I guess now a minute-by-minute account of how my lectures went is in order. So since I had no lectures on Monday I really just spent the day sleeping and putting on the finishing touches of the decorations in my room. Nothing to exciting, but the nice day of relaxation before going back into the school routine was nice and I would not have spent the day any other way. The next morning I woke up a ten. My lecture wasn’t until one but I knew I should leave at about twelve thirty just in case I had a little trouble finding it. So I woke up, showered, fused over what I would wear because you always have to look you best for your first day of school. Twelve thirty rolled around and I met up with two other girls who are talking the class with me and we began the walk up to Gipsy Lane Campus. The lecture ended up being in the main lecture hall so we had no problems finding it.  The minute that the professor started talking I knew I would love this class, he was funny and engaging and it was so clear how intelligent he really was. I think his opinions are going to be strong and he might not like it when you challenge them but if you have a good reason and enough evidence to back up your point of view earning his respect will not be hard at all.
            A hour after my film class let out it was time to head over to the class that I am writing these journal entries for. My conclusion for that class is as long as I stay on top of the writing assignments I should not have any problems at all.
            On Wednesday’s my first and only class is Dr. Forsyth’s and it starts at six pm. Was I happy about that too. That morning I woke up feeling awful. I mean it too, I can honestly say I haven’t felt that sick in a long time. I was sore, I could not breathe out of my nose and just the idea of moving was enough to make me feel light headed. I had the cold that everyone from High Point University seems to passing around. Right after we got let out I just booked it back to my flat, pulled on my pajamas and curled up in my bed.
            I woke up the next morning feeling a little bit better but not a whole lot. I honestly had to drag myself out of bed for my Art lecture. The entire time I felt light headed and sleepy and the professor did nothing for my attention. She seems like a nice person but not that interactive of a teacher. The whole two hours was just spent sitting in the dark while she showed a PowerPoint and read directly from a piece of paper. Oh, did I mention that she has been using the same PowerPoint and speech for three years? Yeah. This isn’t going to be the class that changes the way that I view art. On the bright side I will probably learn a whole bunch of facts.
            All in all I am excited for all of my lectures here and I think that they will be work but as long as I stay diligent I do not think I will have any problems.

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